Who is the Military Community?

We can help your brand connect with the military community because we understand the military community beyond the numbers. We know who they are, where they live, and what drives them. We speak their language. We connect with the military community through authentic messaging in channels where they are, with information relevant to their lives.
The first step in connecting with the military community is understanding the military community. They’re more than a demographic or set of statistics. What really defines the military community is their shared experiences and bonds forged through service and sacrifice.
1.4 million
Average age: 28.3
Average personal income: $77,200
Total spending power: $80.7 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
1.0 million
Average age: 31.7
Average personal income: $67,300
Total spending power: $64.9 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
1.0 million
Average age: 34.3
Average personal income: $78,600
Total spending power: $63.2 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
3.5 million
Average age: 34.6
Average personal income: $92,000
Total spending power: $207.1 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
15.9 million
Average age: 60.4
Average personal income: $82,300
Total spending power: $799.2 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
2.2 million
Average age: 64.7
Average personal income: $69,500
Total spending power: $126.9 billion
Source: Refuel Military Explorer Study 2022-2023
The Military Community: By the Numbers

Understanding the Differences

+Males make up nearly 79% of the military (compared to 48.7% of general population)
The military community skews heavily male

+More of the military community is from the Boomer generation or earlier (42.4%) than the general population (30.5%)
The military community is older

+34.5% of military have a college degree (compared to 28.8% of general population)
The military community is more educated

+34.2% of military households have a gross income over $80k (25.3% for general population)
Military households have higher gross income

+51.9% of military households have at least $1k in disposable income (35.0% for general population)
Military households have more disposable income

+32.5% of general population never married (compared to 19.4% of military community)
Military are more likely to get married
Military = 78.9%
General Population = 48.7%
Military = 21.1%
General Population = 51.3%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Pre-Silent Generation (born prior to 1927)
Military = 0.03%
General Population = 0.01%
Silent Generation (born 1928-1945)
Military = 8.6%
General Population = 2.6%
Baby Boomer (born 1946-1964)
Military = 33.8%
General Population = 28.5%
Gen X (born 1965-1981)
Military = 24.1%
General Population = 27.4%
Millennial (1982-1999)
Military = 27.7%
General Population = 31.7%
Gen Z (born 2000+)
Military = 5.8%
General Population = 9.9%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Military = 13.6%
General Population = 10.6%
4-year secondary education
Military = 20.9%
General Population = 18.2%
2-year secondary education
Military = 12.4%
General Population = 9.7%
Some college/university
Military = 23.1%
General Population = 21.3%
High school graduate
Military = 26.9%
General Population = 33.0%
No high school
Military = 3.2%
General Population = 7.3%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Military = 4.1%
General Population = 3.1%
$7,501 - $10,000
Military = 5.1%
General Population = 2.9%
$5,001 - $7,500
Military = 6.4%
General Population = 4.4%
2,501 - $5,000
Military = 11.4%
General Population = 9.2%
$1,001 - $2,500
Military = 24.9%
General Population = 15.4%
Less than $1,000
Military = 29.2%
General Population = 32.9%
No disposable income
Military = 8.8%
General Population = 13.8%
Don't know
Military = 2.8%
General Population = 8.0%
Prefer to not say
Military = 7.4%
General Population = 10.3%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Military = 1.0%
General Population = 0.7%
$350,000 - $499,999
Military = 1.0%
General Population = 0.6%
$250,000 - $349,999
Military = 1.1%
General Population = 1.0%
$200,000 - $249,999
Military = 2.3%
General Population = 1.7%
$150,000 - $199,999
Military = 4.6%
General Population = 3.8%
$120,000 - $149,999
Military = 7.3%
General Population = 5.2%
$100,000 - $119,999
Military = 7.6%
General Population = 5.6%
$80,000 - $99,999
Military = 9.3%
General Population = 6.7%
$70,000 - $79,999
Military = 7.1%
General Population = 5.8%
$60,000 - $69,999
Military = 5.6%
General Population = 4.9%
$50,000 - $59,999
Military = 7.9%
General Population = 7.0%
$40,000 - $49,999
Military = 8.4%
General Population = 7.4%
$30,000 - $39,999
Military = 7.8%
General Population = 8.3%
$20,000 - $29,999
Military = 7.1%
General Population = 9.3%
$10,000 - $19,999
Military = 6.2%
General Population = 8.6%
Less than $10,000
Military = 6.4%
General Population = 10.4%
Don’t know
Military = 1.7%
General Population = 3.5%
Prefer not to answer
Military = 7.8%
General Population = 9.2%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Military = 56.2%
General Population = 40.4%
Military = 12.5%
General Population = 12.5%
Military = 4.9%
General Population = 5.2%
Military = 2.6%
General Population = 3.2%
Domestic/civil partnership
Military = 4.5%
General Population = 6.3%
Never married
Military = 19.4%
General Population = 32.5%
Source: YouGov (2023)
5+ children
Military = 0.4%
General Population = 0.5%
4 children
Military = 0.7%
General Population = 1.0%
3 children
Military = 3.7%
General Population = 3.6%
2 children
Military = 10.2%
General Population = 9.7%
1 child
Military = 13.2%
General Population = 13.7%
None in household under 18yo
Military = 63.0%
General Population = 59.3%
Never had children
Military = 3.8%
General Population = 6.4%
Don’t know
Military = 1.9%
General Population = 1.8%
Prefer not to say
Military = 3.1%
General Population = 4.0%
Source: YouGov (2023)
Our team designs and executes marketing and sponsorship campaigns targeting the military community. We deliver results because we know the audience. Maybe most importantly, we know the pitfalls to avoid, the vernacular to use, and how to be authentic. Let us help your brand connect with the military community.
We Help Brands Connect with the Military Community